A Responsive Demand Management Framework for the Minimisation of Waste in Convenience Food Manufacture

Research Area:
Eco-Intelligent Manufacturing


International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

SMART Authors:
Shahin Rahimifard

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Convenience food manufacture generates considerable waste through poor planning of production. This problem is particularly acute for products that have very short shelf-life and will be disposed of as waste should their shelf-life expire. Chilled ready-meals are convenience foods with relatively short shelf-lives and volatile consumer demands; their manufacture is based on forecasted volumes and when demand has been over-predicted, considerable wastes are created. This is referred to as overproduction waste( OPW), which typically sees finished products disposed of through commericial waste channels as a result of lack of demand. The research reported in this paper has investigated the generation of a reponsive demand management framework for the reduction of OPW's. 

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